Working with Aromatherapy, Part II: Self-Help for Common Ailments

Working with Aromatherapy, Part II: Self-Help for Common Ailments

In my last post, I looked at specific essential oils to help regulate the smooth flow of Qi throughout the body. Today, I will discuss how some of the oils presented last week can be used on specific acupressure points to alleviate common complaints.  

Again, it is worth noting that these highly concentrated and potent oils can sometimes irritate sensitive skin, and it is advised to add a few drops of the essential oil into a "carrier oil" and apply that mixture to the skin. Carrier oils include grapeseed oil, jojoba oil, almond oil, olive oil etc, and since you won't need much for the use on a few acupressure points, I would recommend using 1 teaspoon of carrier oil, and adding 10-25 drops of essential oils.

Below are a few common ailments that can be the result of stagnation in the smooth flow of Qi, and a look at how to address each using essential oils and acupuressure points:

Headaches : Use lavender, spearmint or peppermint, or a combination of all three, and massage into the following points:

  • Large Intestine 4 - on the dorsal (upper not palm) side of the hand in the webbing between the thumb and index finger, near the bone below the index finger

  • Taiyang - on your face, located right over the tender spot on your temples, lateral to the outer corner of your eye.

  • Small Intestine 3 - On the side of the hand in the fleshy depression right underneath the nuckle of the small finger

  • Gallbladder 41 - on the top of the foot at the junction of the forth and fifth metatarsal (foot) bone, lateral to the tendon that runs into the little toe.

  • Liver 3 - on the top of the foot, in the depression between where the first and second metatarsal (foot) bones meet.

Inability to fall asleep: Use lavender and/or sweet orange and massage into the following points:

  • Heart 8 - on the palm of the hand between the forth and fifth metacarpal (hand) bones, at the point where the little finger rests when you make a loose fist.

  • Liver 3 - on the top of the foot, in the depression between where the first and second metatarsal (foot) bones meet.

  • Yintang - the mid-point between the inner tips of the eye brows.

  • Taiyang - on your face, located right over the tender spot on your temples, lateral to the outer corner of your eye.

Abdominal bloating and inability to digest well: Use spearmint, peppermint, and ginger, or a combination of these three and massage into these points:

  • Stomach 36 - on the outside of the leg, approximately one hand width below the kneecap, just off the bone.

  • Liver 3 - on the top of the foot, in the depression between where the first and second metatarsal (foot) bones meet.

  • Spleen 6 - about a hand width above the tip of the medial (inner) ankle, in a depression near the shin bone.

  • Ren 12 - on the mid-line of the abdomen, half-way between the tip of the sternum (breast bone) and the belly button.

Menstrual cramping: Use oils of lavender, ginger, and rosemary and rub into the following points

  • Stomach 29 - on the lower abdomen, two thumb width on either side of the mid-line and just above the pubic bone.

  • Liver 3 - on the top of the foot, in the depression between where the first and second metatarsal (foot) bones meet.

  • Ren 4 - one hand width below the belly button on the mid-line of the abdomen.

  • Spleen 6 - one the lower leg, about a hand width above the tip of the medial (inner) ankle, in a depression near the shin bone.

Feeling blue, moody, irritable: Use lavender, bergamont, sweet orange, and/or lemongrass or any combination of these and rub into:

  • Pericardium 6 - two thumb width away from the wrist crease between the two tendons that run into your hand.

  • Liver 3 - on the top of the foot, in the depression between where the first and second metatarsal (foot) bones meet.

  • Gallbladder 34 - on the lateral (outside) side of the upper part of the lower leg, just below the tip of the fibula, which you can feel near the knee.

  • Yintang - the mid-point between the inner tips of the eye brows.

Spending just a few minutes massaging essential oils into these acupressure points can be a wonderful way of helping yourself feel better. I would love to hear your experience with this, and am happy to answer any questions.

Go ahead, eat some (healthy) fat

Go ahead, eat some (healthy) fat

Working with Aromatherapy, Part I: Oils for Regulating Qi Flow

Working with Aromatherapy, Part I: Oils for Regulating Qi Flow