4 Meridian Yoga Poses to go with Acupuncture

4 Meridian Yoga Poses to go with Acupuncture

Meridian Yoga is a form of yoga that actively works with the same meridian system as acupuncture. This form of yoga uses poses to activate and balance energy in the 14 meridian paths. Meridian Yoga will improve the function of your organs and allow your body to be in its healthiest state physically and mentally. Below are a few of many yoga poses that can increase your energy flow.

1. Downward dog

In your yoga practice, downward dog can always be the home base pose. It is a staple that can be used in almost every yoga practice.

This pose focuses on the arms and shoulder meridians, which can improve heart and lung function. Increased function of these organs can help fight against allergies, viruses, anxiety and trouble sleeping.  Downward dog can also help digestion and allows for increased blood flow.


2. Warrior II

Warrior II focuses on the lymphatic system and the hips and knees. The emphasis on these joints are related to the gall bladder, spleen and stomach meridians. These organs help the lymphatic system by increasing digestion and immune fluid.


3. Wheel and other back-bends

Wheel and other back-bends can effectively and sometimes very intensely stretch the stomach and spleen meridians. This pose can help prevent acid reflux, heartburn and other stomach issues. (I wouldn't recommend this if you have lower back issues, though).


4. Tree pose

Tree pose is a standard balancing pose that can be adapted based on your skill level. It focuses on the small intestine meridian and increases abdominal circulation. Tree pose can also calm and relax the mind and nervous system, bringing more self-awareness.


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